A trademark registration will not prevent the registration of YourMark.New domain names by third parties.That is why ICANN created the Trademark Clearinghouse - to give you the chance to protect your mark.JACO Digital is an authorized Trademark Clearinghouse Agent ready to help protect your valuable brand.
Often the first step in any brand enforcement strategy, an appropriately toned communication can be effective.
Our strategy is to help our clients to strategically develop a reputation as being tough on counterfeiters.
We have excellent relationships with law enforcement agencies and regularly work with them to stop counterfiters.
Swift emergency relief is often necessary to address the infringement of trademark rights of National brands.
We have decades of experience evaluating and enforcing our client's domain name rights.
The new gTLD domain names present unique issues. As an official TMCH agent we are highly qualified and experienced.
For online businesses, one of the major benefits of Federal trademark registration is the ability to register your trademark in the ICANN Trademark Clearinghouse. Registation of your mark in the Clearinghouse is one of the best and most cost effective ways to help protect your mark from unauthorized use on the Internet.