Trademark Clearinghouse Registration Form
gTLD Clearinghouse Registration Form __________________________________________________ Registering your trademark within the Trademark Clearinghouse helps prevent others from registering a domain name that matches your trademark. Only trademarks which have also been registered in the Trademark Clearinghouse are eligible for Clearinghouse benefits such as sunrise registration or streamlined arbitration. |
Main benefits of TMCH registration: 1. Warns potential registrants of pre-existing registration and claim to mark prior to registration. All Inclusive Pricing: 1 Year Registration – $515.00 per mark (includes $150 filing fee plus $365 agent fee) As an Optional Service – we will issue a gTLD Registration Analysis to identify the most relevant gTLDs which you should consider for registration as part of your strategy to protect your trademark. There will be domains that you never want anyone to have but you. Registering those few is like putting them in your pocket for safekeeping. We will register them for you to hold in your own registration account to do as you wish. This exclusive personalized report is available for $100.00 per trademark Use the form below to provide us with the information we need to begin the process.