DMCA Agent Service

DMCA Takedown Notice Evaluation and Response Service

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act contains specific provisions authorizing content owners to require the removal of content from the internet. We are experts in issuing and responding to DMCA takedown notices so whether you need content removed or require assistance handling the notices that your company receives we stand ready to assist. 

The timing requirements for making and responding to DMCA takedown notices are very strict. Failure to comply can affect your rights or lead to liability for the failure to properly remove content within the required timelines. Let us handle your removal requests and responses or build a system for your team.

Top 5
Trademark Protection  Tips 

Check out our web hosting partners and our summary of the top 5 issues to consider before you choose your web hosting provider.  

Defensive Domain Name Registration

With over 2000 domain name registries, registration is no longer a viable protection strategy alone. However, for specific relevant registries, defensive registration is still a viable, inexpensive and appropriate option.

Privacy and Security  Compliance

Customer Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Data Breach Response, and Security. We stand ready to assist on all questions related to these issues and more. With over 25 years of experience there is no one more qualified.   

Representative Clients

Romosa Wallcoverings